Dr. Macabre

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Dr. Macabre's Blog

Coming Soon........SIMple Minds

I am sure that some of my fans out there, (you know who you are) are wondering if I have given up making things for The Sims. Not at all. I have had a couple of killer weeks at work, plus I have begun a side project.

We call it SIMple Minds. First off I want to thank TSR for letting us do this. You see SIMple Minds is my self and two other great creators, who are Darqstar ( http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/darqstar/ ) and EarthGoddes54 ( http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/EarthGoddess54/ ). EarthGoddes54 and Darqstar cam up with the idea and they cam to me and asked if I wanted to help them with it. To be honest I was flattered that two Select Artists wanted to work with me. But I of course said sure, because I'm not crazy and thus SIMple Minds was born.

Now I'm not going to tell you what the project is, you have to wait and see. U will say that it should be up soon. So look for it, it will blow your mind.

But thats why I haven't done much. But I am willing and able to attack again, and attack I will. And for all of you who have requests with me, don't worry. I made a list and I'm gonna get on them right away. I hate to make my fans wait too long. :)

But again, go to SIMple Minds ( http://www.thesimsresource.com/profiles/view.php?mid=1677987 ), bookmark it and wait to see what develops. I'm sure you will all be happy with the result. I know I am!

This is my opinion and a question.....

I'm not sure this is something I should be putting here, but what the heck. This blog entry is about the movie Ghost Rider.

As many of you have guessed I use his image as my avatar. I have liked the Ghost Rider for years, so when I saw they were doing a movie, I got pumped.

Well yesterday my wife and I had the time to go and see it, and my opinion of it was OH WOW!!!!

I'll be honest, is started off a little slow. But that was important for people who don't the the story of the Ghost Rider. But later the action was totally awesome. The way they did the GGI, was fantastic!

I have my favorite parts, which I won't discuss here. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it. But I am so glad I went.

There are very few movies I am willing to go see at the theater. I just prefer watching them at home on DVD. But this one needs the bog screen.

So for anyone out there who hasn't seen it, and is a comic book fan, GO NOW! It is defiantly worth the money.

Ok, enough of my opinion. Now I have a question for all of you. I have noticed that many of you who took my pole have voted for other things.

What other things do you want to see? Let me know. Just remember I have no idea how to mesh, and I don't have the time to learn at the moment. But go nuts! I am really curious.

Wanna help me?

That's right, Dr. Macabre would like all of your help. Sometimes I get a brain fart, and can't figure out what to make. Now request are awesome, but sometimes I would like to try something different.

So what I would like all of you to do, is suggests things you would like to see. Now I don't guarantee I can do them all, because I am limited, but I will try.

But just to let you all know, don't request meshes. I haven't figured them out yet, and right now I don't have them time to do it. Maybe someday but not right now.

But besides that, go crazy. Wanna see more female denim jackets with nice shirts underneath? Then let me know. I am really curious what everyone is looking for. I like to use the hit or miss method of creation. I will think of an idea, and put it up. So far in general I have been lucky. Which is very cool.

But I am calling on everyone who is reading this to put your thinking caps on and give me ideas. You can either leave a comment here, sign my guest book, or private message me. I will take the ideas in the order they come and do what I can.

So go crazy, and lets have fun. Because thats what we are all here for in the first place.

Thanks in advance!

Why I like requests.....

I know before I got on my soapbox about requests, but I also do enjoy them. See sometimes I get a brain fart or whatever you want to call it, and I just can't come up with an idea.

So when I see a request either in a pm, or in my guest book it gives me something to focus on. And once my creative juices start flowing, I get creative again.

I know this is kinda weird, (unless of course your a creator) but I get excited about requests. And besides, it has introduced me to bands I may never have heard of, like My Chemical Romance.

So feel free to go crazy and fill my box up. I always take them in the order I receive them, so if you don't see it right away it will come. Just give me the time to do it. I don't always have hours for creation, but I try to do a little everyday to keep my feet wet.

So in closing, I hope to see more requests this year and for years to come. And yes I will be getting back to t shirts soon, I just like to experiment with new stuff.


Why I am calling this blog entry that? Because I found a creation program with that flaw. Let me explain......

I wanted to branch out and create something different than I do, and I though to myself how about rock and roll posters? So I downloaded Sim PE and checked it out. To be honest I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. So I cam here to TSR to see if there was an easier program to create what I want.

Enter The Sims 2 Poster Importer. Now to be honest, when i began playing with it I found it to be very easy, and i was making posters like crazy. But then I noticed it's limitation. It will only make a total of 10 posters, in slot 1 through 10. I f you want to make more, you have to get rid of your old ones.

So yes I did make a set of posters using it, and either it's up or will be soon depending when you read this. But it's a limitation that isn't going to work for me.

So let me give you all the warning. If you have used this program to create posters, and you want mine, you will have to get rid of your for mine to show up. But trust me, if you want a wide variate of rock posters my set is worth it. Well at least I think so.

Now to let everyone know, once I realized this limitation, I got hold of a good friend of mine. Hi Darqstar. Who walked my through the object workshop so that now I can use Sim PE to create more. Thanks again Darqstar, your great!!!!

So yes I will be making more posters in the future, but not with The Sims 2 Poster Importer. But I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did making them.

I guess folks do read this stuff...

When I began keeping a blog here at TSR, I wasn't sure if anyone really looked at these things. I mean I know a couple of folks do, because they leave a comment, but besides that I figured in most cases people ignored this stuff.

The way I saw it, was that folks figured they were downloading my stuff, I can't expect them to read as well. Now I was told that some people were having trouble leaving comments. I would recommend that if you haven't got in touch with TSR yet, do it, so they no there is a problem, cause to be honest I can't do anything.

But getting back to the point, it has come to my attention that folks are reading it, and that is so cool to me. Not only does it stroke my ego a bit, but it means that folks care what I say.

And if you do care, I just want to let you all know that I will keep creating thing, keep trying to get better, and make things that you will all enjoy. These are my goals. Sometimes life gets in the way of the creation process, but it will never stop me.

So to all my friends out there, and to everyone reading this, thank you. I appreciate all of you.

Two things that put a smile on my face.

First up is comments. I create a lot of things, and if it wasn't for comments I don't know if I would still be creating. I enjoy them all, for a simple wup wup, to lengthy descriptions of why you like it. Each one tells me you like my stuff enjoy to let me know. I mean the lengthy comments mean more, because you put some thought behind it, but all are special to me. So keep them coming. And trust me, I answer each comment in the persons guest book. I know I don't have to, I want to. I like to let them know how much I appreciate them.

With this new system, the other think I enjoy are thank yous. When I check how I am doing, it means a lot to me to see that counter go up. I have noticed one thing thou. It seems to me that some of you out there haven't figured out how it works, so I am going to explain. It actually is very simple. Download the item, check it out, then go to the rate your unrated items link, which is next to your kudos score and click the thank you link. Now you can hit the link before, thats up to you. I hear that they might be getting rid of the ability to click the link before, but either way once you check it out it's easy to take care of.

Here is the great thing in my opinion. Since the brought back the rate your unrated items link, you can do both at once. Thank the artist and comment on how much you like there stuff.

Some of you out there might think that if you download there creations, the artist really doesn't need any more recognition. How wrong you are. It take time to make things for the Sims, so things take more than others. So I as an artist appreciate the fact the you are willing to take them time to let me know what you think.

And those are the two things that put a smile on my face.

What Grinds My Gears...aka step on soapbox.

Yep you guessed it, this blog entry is about something that ticks me off.

I have said many times that I love request, and to be honest I really do. I have made some really great stuff because of requests I have gotten. So by all means keep them coming.

But what gets me is folks know how to start, either in my guest book or in a PM. They always start off great, like there is a formula:

1)Compliment the artists many creations
2)Always begin with if your not too busy
3)Ask for the request
4)tell them how much it will mean to you.

Now they may not go in that order, but those are the basic points that everyone seems to follow.

But what gets my goat, is that once I am done with the request, I never hear from that person again.

Now not everyone is like that. Take GodessofWar1022, She is always very nice with the asking for the request, but afterwards she makes me know she really appreciates what I have done. Thank you GodessofWar1022, you make requests worth it.

Now I'm not saying you folks should gush over what I have done, but some form of acknowledgment would be nice. Maybe a comment on the item, or an entry in my guest book if I did the request. Either of these would really make it worth it.

And just to let everyone know, I am keeping a list of folks that don't do the follow up. This doesn't mean I will never do a request for you again, but your will go on the back burner until I have nothing else to do.

So if you want me to take your requests seriously, and you have many you might want, do the follow up. As an artist it makes it worth it trust me.

And that's what grinds my gears.

(Gets off soapbox.)

I have a mini site!

That's right, Dr. Macabre has a mini site. I worked hard to get it, and I want to thank everyone that helped me along the way. And a big Thanks to Darqstar! Your so deserve being a select artist. So as I have said before, black t shirts rule and I will continue to make them as well as other things that I enjoy.

And if you have any request, feel free to let me know. I do Enjoy making things that people truly want.

Because I'll be honest, there are a lot of times I have now idea what to make. I'll do a set that I think you folks would enjoy, and it doesn't get as many downloads as I thought. So request help me to level that out.

Also I would like to thank TSR for the new rating system. I'll be honest, I was planning in turning of ratings as soon as I got this mini site. Now I don't have to. I know there are folks out there that liked hiding behind the invisible curtain, and down rating things because they either don't like it, *then why did you download it in the first place?) or don't like the person making it. But thanks to TSR thats all gone now and I couldn't be happier.

Well I guess thats it for my first blog entry, don't want to bore anyone.

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Coming Soon........SIMple Minds This is my opinion and a... Wanna help me? Why I like requests..... Limitations..... I guess folks do read this stuff... Two things that put a smile on... What Grinds My Gears...aka step... I have a mini site!
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